Mediation Process

Assisting separating and divorcing couples to separate on their own terms

How Mediation Works

Recognised in Law

Recognised in Law, mediation agreements are recognised in law under the 2017 Mediation Act. Mediation can cost up to 85% less to resolve a dispute than the traditional legal process.


The issue discussed depends on the needs and wishes of the separating parties. Issues may include finances, family home, parenting, living arrangements, maintenance and assets.

Agreement & Resolution

In mediation, an independent mediator assists the parties to come to agreement through collaborative engagement. In mediation, any agreement must be mutually acceptable to both parties

Define the Issues

Although each set of parties are different, you can feel confident that the issues you are facing have been mediated before.


With the help of a mediator both parties systematically consider each issue, explore their options and come to a decision. Expert advice is encouraged to ensure that the separating parties can make informed decisions, and with the active support of the Mediator, negotiate the best outcomes for both themselves and for their family.

Cost Effective

In today’s climate of rising costs, it is essential that couples separating are working in their best financial interest and are aware of the high costs of a courtroom battle. Mediation is by far the most cost effective way of achieving a binding separation agreement.

Resolving differences in a safe and secure way.

Why Choose Us?

Success Rates

High success rate for achieving settlements.  93% of our cases have been settled outside of the courtroom.

Professional Service

You are valued as a person and we understand the stress and grief of separation and divorce.  Browne and Co Mediation promise to go that extra mile to help you through this process.

Children First

We know that separation and divorce can be hard on families, especially children. We believe strongly that a Mediated Settlement created in the best interest of our children, is the best way forward, after a decision is made to separate.

Empowering You

We want you to thrive after your mediation process and we will be on hand to help in any way we can.

Online or in-person meetings

We know that juggling a busy life and trying to make time for mediation meetings can be tough so we offer both in-person and online meetings.

Cost Effective

In today’s climate of rising costs, it is essential that couples separating are working in their best financial interest and are aware of the high costs of a courtroom battle. Mediation is by far the most cost effective way of achieving a binding separation agreement.